Wine Time TV Returns
After a very long break, Wine Time TV will be returning to regularity in the world of Winos online. Thanks to the drive from Wine Time TV writer Jodi Fritch and her interest to continue, I’m getting motivated and sparked!
Not having been able to afford wine as of late makes it kind of hard to be inspired to produce content around it. That’s all changing as opportunities and new money are arising. Yay!
I’m sure WTTV will reinvent itself yet again and bring another interesting twist to an old topic that’s often not-so-interestingly explored. Does that make sense?
Now in North Hollywood, I’m looking for the right ‘angle’ to approach the next Wine Time TV edition. Perhaps a wine shop or wine bar partnership? Hm…
I’ll let you know as soon as I figure it out. Meanwhile, chime in with any thoughts anytime.