New Site, New Writers, New Wine Time TV Experience

New Site

I could have titled this article “Dirty Laundry” or “Out With The Old…” Let me explain;

I started Wine Time TV back in late July 2009 on the wake of the then infamous Murphy-Goode Winery “Lifestyle Correspondent, A Really Goode Job” campaign, where I was publicly acknowledged as a Top 10 candidate (from over 1,000 applicants) and promised a Goode job by none other than Billionaire Entrepreneur himself, Jess

Jess Jackson
Jackson, Murphy-Goode winemaker David Ready Jr. and a slew of Jackson Family Wines VP’s of Marketing and What-Nots at the time. It was my intention to use this entertaining platform as one of several innovative tools I had up my sleeve to further promote Jess’ wonderful wares, like Murphy-Goode wine, for example.

Since then however, Jess and Jackson Family Wines have reneged on their promises, thus leaving this Wine Aficionado in training high and dry. Since receiving that awful news only a few weeks ago, you might imagine that someone transplanting themselves from Germany to California has likely already made travel plans and tied up local loose ends (flat, jobs, etc.) preparing for a new life in a new town/country. That someone, me, was basically screwed.

New Wine Time TV Experience

David Ready Jr.

For a while there, it was difficult to NOT let Jackson Family Wines despicable and dishonest business practices corrode my new found lust for Wine, Wine Culture and Wine Edu-tainment and I certainly thought about calling it a day, related to my many online wine-oriented activities. It takes energy, commitment and passion to keep social networks alive and kicking, as many of you certainly know from your own exploits. I for one, have a very loud voice and strong presence in a variety of online niches (search Kamary Phillips google or yahoo) and have decided to continue growing Wine Time within the Winosphere, despite my unfortunate setbacks courtesy of Jackson Family Wines. (Wow, imagine if I was getting paid and dedicated everyday/all day to this!?) Thankfully there are thousands of wineries in the United States and I look forward to finding a new personal favorite and also creating mutually beneficial relationships with those knowing the value of social media and understanding the true meaning of partnership and promises.

New Writers

Helping with the new Wine Time TV experience are a handful of talented writers who’ll be contributing interesting and entertaining articles related to Wine, Food and the culture surrounding both. I’m happy to announce a few of them today as promised. Please give a warm Wine Time TV welcome to Jodi Fritch, Elizabeth White, and Rachel (just Rachel, like Cher!) Expect to see regular articles from these brilliant folks as well as several other talents being announced in the next days. Welcome aboard!

Thanks for reading,

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